
Pogobeta's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,800 (From 297 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 28,540 Points

Name That Bill

Medals Earned: 1/10 (50/225 points)

High Score: BILL BILL BILL 50 Points

You seem to be a man of some learning.

No score: Just a Bill. 5 Points

You'll be a law someday, at least I hope and pray.

Low Score: Unimpresston 10 Points

This is a dude who, a few seconds ago, laughed at your score.

Medium Score: Billy Wonka 25 Points

Tell me how you know all about Bills, again.

Obvious Easter Egg! 25 Points

Unlock alternative Bill portraits for every Bill!

Perfect Score 100 Points

You came, you saw, you kicked its ass!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/27 (10/500 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill your first enemy

Private 5 Points

Complete Chapter 1 on Normal difficulty

Bombardier 5 Points

Throw your first bomb

Enlightened 5 Points

Watch the credits until the end

Airforce Specialist 10 Points

Complete Chapter 2 on Hard difficulty

Airman 10 Points

Complete Chapter 1 on Hard difficulty

Conscientious Objector 10 Points

Complete Chapter 2 without shooting

Corporal 10 Points

Complete Chapter 2 on Insane difficulty

Ensign 10 Points

Complete Chapter 3 on Insane difficulty

Kitty 10 Points

Acquire 9 lives

Master Sergeant 10 Points

Complete Chapter 3 on Hard difficulty

Millionaire 10 Points

Earn 1 million points

Officer 10 Points

Complete Chapter 2 on Normal difficulty

Pacifist 10 Points

Complete Chapter 1 without shooting

Senior Airman 10 Points

Complete Chapter 1 on Insane difficulty

Sergeant 10 Points

Complete Chapter 3 on Normal difficulty

Story Nerd 10 Points

Watch all 6 cutscenes without skipping

Air Force General 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal difficulty

Brigadier General 25 Points

Complete Chapter 5 on Insane difficulty

Captain 25 Points

Complete Chapter 4 on Insane difficulty

Colonel 25 Points

Complete Chapter 5 on Hard difficulty

Commander 25 Points

Complete Chapter 4 on Hard difficulty

Lieutenant 25 Points

Complete Chapter 4 on Normal difficulty

Major 25 Points

Complete Chapter 5 on Normal difficulty

Passive Resister 25 Points

Complete Chapter 3 without shooting

Space Admiral 50 Points

Beat the game on Hard difficulty

Intergalactic Admiral 100 Points

Beat the game on Insane difficulty


Medals Earned: 2/2 (20/20 points)

A tiny world 10 Points

Finish the game.

Inspired 10 Points

Get all three of the inspirations

Necrorun 2.0

Medals Earned: 3/19 (15/350 points)

10k 5 Points

Get a score of 10.000

5k 5 Points

Get a score of 5.000

Look mommy, I'm death!! 5 Points

Fail to get at least 1.000 points

Goat S.E 5 Points

Goat serial exterminator

Shield Barrier 5 Points

Unlock the Shield Barrier power

Vampire made mortal 5 Points

Unlock the bat power

Critical Hit 10 Points

Critically hit the Knight

Double Kill 10 Points

Get a double kill

Dragonform 10 Points

Unlock the dragonform power

Hoof Crush 10 Points

Unlock the Hoof Crush power

Mountain Pass 10 Points

Reach the Mountain Pass

Play Tips 10 Points

Unlock the Play Tips power

Province of Evila 10 Points

Reach Evila

Trials 25 Points

Complete all the trials

Triple kill 25 Points

Get a triple kill

Winged Duel 25 Points

Kill a Winged Knight

Lethe player 50 Points

be l33t and score over 50k

Time favors Death 100 Points

get a 50x combo

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Need To Feed

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/215 points)

Beginner 5 Points

Complete 8 levels

Amateur 10 Points

Complete 16 levels

Expert 25 Points

Complete 32 levels

Master 25 Points

Complete 24 levels

Professional 50 Points

Complete 40 levels

Cookie Monster 100 Points

Complete the game with three stars

Night of Million Zombies

Medals Earned: 8/56 (40/280 points)

01) 100 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 100 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

02) 300 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 300 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

03) 600 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 600 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

04) 600 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 600 zombies with your handgun.

07) Handgun lvl 10 5 Points

get your handgun to level 10.

18) 500.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 500.000.

28) Kill 800 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 800 zombies in a single round.

41) Earn 50.000 5 Points

pickup 50.000 gold in 1 round.

05) 1200 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 1200 zombies with your handgun.

06) 1800 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 1800 zombies with your handgun.

08) Play 5 games 5 Points

play at least 5 games till you die.

09) Play 15 games 5 Points

play at least 15 games till you die.

10) Play 30 games 5 Points

play at least 30 games till you die.

11) 250 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 250 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

12) 750 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 750 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

13) 1500 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

14) 1500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 1500 zombies with your machine gun.

15) 2500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 2500 zombies with your machine gun.

16) 3500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 3500 zombies with your machine gun.

17) Machine gun lvl 10 5 Points

get your machine gun to level 10.

19) 2.500.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 2.500.000 points.

20) 10.000.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 10.000.000 points.

21) 500 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 500 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

22) 1500 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

23) 3000 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 3000 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

24) 3000 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 3000 zombies with your shotgun.

25) 4500 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 4500 zombies with your shotgun.

26) 6000 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 6000 zombies with your shotgun.

27) Shotgun lvl 10 5 Points

get your shotgun to level 10.

29) Kill 2200 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 2200 zombies in a single round.

30) Kill 5000 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 5000 zombies in a single round.

31) 500 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 500 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

32) 1000 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 1000 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

33) 1500 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

34) 2000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 2000 zombies with a flamethrower.

35) 4000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 4000 zombies with a flamethrower.

36) 6000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 6000 zombies with a flamethrower.

37) TAAANK! 5 Points

get your health to at least 250.

38) 5000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 5000 zombies.

39) 12000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 12000 zombies.

40) 20000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 20000 zombies.

42) Earn 100.000 5 Points

pickup 100.000 gold in 1 round.

43) Earn 200.000 5 Points

pickup 200.000 gold in 1 round.

44) Earn 200.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 200.000 gold.

45) Earn 500.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 500.000 gold.

46) Earn 1.000.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 1.000.000 gold.

47) Instant Reload 5 Points

get your reloading time down to 10%

48) Sniper 5 Points

get your critical chance to 100%

49) Lucky Luke 5 Points

get your firerate up to 250%

50) Human Canon 5 Points

get your damage bonus up to 300%

51) Pickup 25 icons 5 Points

pickup 25 icons in a single round.

52) Pickup 50 icons 5 Points

pickup 50 icons in a single round.

53) Pickup 100 icons 5 Points

pickup 100 icons in a single round.

54) 100 icons total 5 Points

pikcup a total of 100 icons.

55) 200 icons total 5 Points

pickup a total of 200 icons.

56) 300 icons total 5 Points

pickup a total of 300 icons.


Medals Earned: 5/8 (60/260 points)

Trapped 5 Points

Survive dream #1

Falling 10 Points

Survive dream #2

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

nuemgride_hero 25 Points

Scored more than 95000 points out of possible 100000 points.

Nyan Cat Fever

Medals Earned: 2/4 (35/185 points)

acc1unlocked 10 Points

unlocked accessory 1

acc2unlocked 25 Points

unlocked accessory 2

acc3unlocked 50 Points

unlocked accessory 3

acc4unlocked 100 Points

unlocked accessory 4


Medals Earned: 11/11 (55/55 points)

Color Purge 5 Points

Mix colours to get Color Purge

Color Remix 5 Points

Mix colours to get Color Remix

Cross Wave 5 Points

Mix colours to get Cross Wave

Cross Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Cross Wipe

Explosion 5 Points

Mix colours to get Explosion

Mine Drop 5 Points

Mix colours to get Mine Drop

Mine Swarm 5 Points

Mix colours to get Mine Swarm

Pillar Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Pillar Wipe

Row Wipe 5 Points

Mix colours to get Row Wipe

Shell Eraser 5 Points

Mix colours to get Shell Eraser

Whirlpool 5 Points

Mix colours to get Whirlpool